Wuhan G·star Technology co., LTD
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Gstar won the


   On 31st July, 2013, Wuhan Gstar Technology Co., Ltd (Hereinafter referred to Gstar) is officially named “Gazelle enterprise” of Wuhan east lake new technology development zone in 2013.

  “Gazelle enterprise” is set up to encourage and honor the enterprises which are full of innovation and has fast developing speed. It is said that the selected gazelle enterprises will be directly supported by the development zone, besides of being approved by the venture capital and credit financing, they will get the policy support from the other aspects, such as helping the enterprises to exploit the market, participating in the central or the local great engineering construction projects, and so on. Furthermore, the independent innovation of the enterprise will get support on the project application, the confirmation of New and High Technology Enterprises and R & D investment subsidy.

  Awarded of “2013 Gazelle enterprise” means Gstar’s excellent business performance and strength are highly proved by the government. Under the good environment provided by the developing zone, Gstar will constantly challenge the limit of laser processing industry and run fast at gazelle’s speed in the field. We believe that Gstar will get even greater achievements in the future.

Background links
  Gazelle—a type of African antelope who is good at jumping and running. The term is often used to describe high growing medium/small-sized enterprise. More gazelle enterprises indicates stronger innovation and faster development in a zone.

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Admin:+86-712-2892997 Cell Phone:+86-13507185863 Email:huangbo@gstarlaser.com